Intention setting with a twist of magic
This magical deck of Fairy Oracle Cards features 7 inspiring fairy characters that help you uncover unique gifts within. Whether you're young or young at heart, the images gracing these cards contain magical symbols that awaken your imagination and expand your creative potential.
Empowering affirmations on the backs of the 42 cards inspire you to embrace your unique gifts + support you with tips to help you overcome inner blocks on the path to manifest your visions. Every time you practice this one-of-a-kind intention setting ritual, you will set the stage for a magical discovery.
Create a quiet space and allow the fairies to whisper their wisdom to your heart. This enchanting wish making kit comes complete with a wish journal to record the messages you receive + a hand crafted fairy dust bottle to set your wishes free. The fairies eagerly await to guide you to your magic every day!

Amplify Your Intentions Pick a card first thing in the morning to set the tone for your day, before going to bed to activate your dreams, or anytime throughout your day for guidance.
Enhance Clarity of Purpose Place the cards in your hands & ask the fairies a question. Using your intuition, let them guide you to a card & allow its image to spark your imagination.
Gain Confidence to Act On Your Dreams Flip your card over to reveal your fairy's message. As you receive her affirmation, imagine her infusing you with the essence of her magic.
Take Inspired Action As Your New Magical Self Keep your fairy guide's magic alive by repeating her affirmation throughout your day & radiating your Inner Shimmer everywhere you go!
Gift yourself a moment to connect to your unique sparkle. Pick a card anytime, anywhere, & opening to receive a magical message that will set your heart's wish free
Creator, Fairy Paloma
Wing spreader & lover of magic, Fairy Paloma envisioned Inner Shimmer to offer an engaging, healing, and inspiring mindfulness + intention setting practice for her clients. After obtaining her MA in Psychology and training in yoga, meditation & play therapy, she set out to sprinkle imagination & fun on personal transformation processes.
Her heart's wish is that this ritual strengthens your confidence to share your unique magic with the world. May children imagine the possibilities ahead and adults recover their forgotten dreams.